
A is for age: 20
B is for booze of choice: I don't really know, beer I suppose. But it makes my stomach hurt.
C is for career: dead end
D is for your next destination: The bathroom, to brush my teeth.
E is for essential items to bring to a party: A good mood! and booze of course?
F is for favourite song at the moment: A day to remember - If it means a lot to you
G is for favourite game: I'm not that into games, or, I don't really play them.
H is for home town: Eskilstuna, the city that God forgot.
I is for instruments you play: None, air guitar maybe.. haha.
J is for jam or jelly you like: Strawberry jam, why not.
K is for kids: Don't have, don't know if I even want. Try and persuade me.
L is for living arrangements: With dad and younger sister in a two story appartment near the city.
M is for music genre: Everything and nothing. Rock, metal, singer-songwriter, pop etc.
N is for name of your fav city: Gothenburg, though I've only been there once. It won my heart.
O is for overnight hospital stays: Zero that I remember, haha.
P is for phobias: I'm afraid of almost everything. My own hair when it falls on my shoulder, my own shadow when I'm out walking, when people jump out in front of me, my own nail polish thinking it's a bug on my hand. And birds, I'm very afraid of birds.
Q is for quotes you like: "Life is what you make it"
R is for what you love to read: Books, blogs, newpapers, magazines, everything and nothing. Wish I would read a lot more books than I actually do.
S is for sartorial style: Boring, I just put something on, never put a lot of thought into it.
T is for time you wake up: Around 14-16 in the afternoon. lool
U is for underwear: Don't care, just put something comfy on. But I love hipsters, they're my best friends.
V is for vegetables you love: Cucumber and is it called red pepper(?) (paprika).
W is for weekend plans: I have no idea.
X is for x-rays you've had: None.
Y is for yummy food you make: I can't cook, haha.
Z is for zodiac sign: Scorpio!



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